What is the purpose of this privacy notice?

We understand that privacy online is important to users of our website especially when conducting business. This statement governs our privacy policies with respect to those users of the website (“visitors”) who visit without transacting business and visitors who register to transact business on the website and make use of services offered by hcsdevon.co.uk (collectively, “Services”) (“Authorised Customers”).


This refers to any information that identifies or can be used to identify, contact, or locate the person to whom such information pertains, including, but not limited to, name, address, financial profiles, social security number, and credit card information. Personally,identifiable information does not include information that is collected anonymously (that is without identification of the individual user) or demographic information not connected to an identified individual.


We use personally identifiable information to customise the website, to make appropriate service offerings, and to fulfill buying and selling requests on the website. We may email visitors and authorised customers about research or purchase and selling opportunities on the website or information related to the subject matter of the website. We may also use Personally Identifiable Information to contact visitors and authorised customers in response to specific inquiries or to provide the requested information.


Personally identifiable information collected by hcsdevon.co.uk is securely stored and is not accessible to third parties or employees of hcsdevon.co.uk except for as indicated above. What choices are available to visitors regarding collection, and distribution of the information? Visitors and authorised customers may opt out of receiving unsolicited information from or being contacted by us and/or our vendors and affiliated agencies by responding to emails as instructed, or by contacting us at homecaresolutions@yahoo.com


HCSDEVON.CO.UK is the data controller. We only collect basic personal data about you which does not include any special types of personal information or location-based information. This does, however include your name, address, email, and mobile number if you provide us with it. We also track your interactions with our website, our forms and email communication.


Your details are processed to provide services for you and/or your company and to provide you with relevant offers and information. We will not collect any personal data from you we do not need in order to provide and oversee this service to you.

What we do with your data

This information is available to our staff within the company so as to serve you with our services in a timely and professional manner. Each staff member has an individual login, which is revoked on leaving employment with our company. We do not use your data to automate decisions including profiling. This is stored with the following data processors Google in the US and in Europe. No third parties have access to your personal data unless the law allows them to do so.


We collect this data to understand how our website is used and to create statistics on the use of the website. Until the user becomes a lead this data cannot be linked to a specific individual.


If a visitor interacts with us, for example to inquire about a product or service, the visitor becomes the lead. In these cases we will collect information provided to us through the form or questionnaire used to make the request, or the contact or other information provided e.g. over the phone or in person. The information is provided directly and voluntarily by the individual. Depending on the circumstances, this information may include:

  • First and last name
  • Name of business
  • Email address
  • Street address, city, state, province and/or country
  • Telephone number
  • Website URL
  • Social media handles
  • mobile number

We collect this data for sales and marketing purposes to allow us to respond to a request from a lead so that we may provide information about our service. Users have the right to access this information or have it removed upon request. See” what are your rights” below.

Information Obtained From Third Parties

We receive information from third party data providers including directories. In some cases, such as LinkedIn the information has manifestly been made public by the individuals who posted their profile on LinkedIn, and we assume that the individuals no longer have a privacy in treating in such information, and it can be used for the legitimate interest in learning about potential customers

In other cases , where it is not clear that the information was made manifestly public by the individuals we obtain this data with assurances from these providers that the user has consented to the collection and sharing of this data or that this is permissible to collect. We receive from social media services that you have elected to use to access our site or apps, in accordance with the social media services privacy policy.

How Long Do We Keep Your Data

We are required under UK tax law to keep your basic personal data (name, address, contact details)for a minimum of 6 years after which time it will be destroyed. We keep your data whilst we keep in touch with you via email, telephone, or mail. This information is not shared with third parties and you can unsubscribe any time via homecaresolutions@yahoo.com.

How Do We Use Cookies

Some information is collected through cookies. Cookies, pixel tabs and other tracking technologies are used on our website to ensure that it functions properly and to give users a more personalised experience. Cookies can be “first – party cookies” (served by us) or (third parties cookies (served by others)

For additional information about our use of cookies and similar tracking technologies please see our cookie Policy below

What Are Your Rights

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) grants individuals who are in the European Union and European Economic Area (EU/EEA) the following rights, with some limitations.

Right Not to Provide Consent or to Withdraw Consent

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) grants individuals who are in the European Union and European Economic Area (EU/EEA) the following rights, with some limitations.

Right of access

You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not we collect or process personal data concerning you and if this is the case you have the right to request a copy of such personal data in digital format.

Right of Rectification

You have the right to require that we correct any inaccurate personal data concerning you and that we complete incomplete personal data

Right to be forgotten

You may withdraw consent at any time by informing us by email to homecaresolutions@yahoo.com so we can remove you from the database. We will endeavour to remove you within 30 days of receiving your email. Because of backups and records of deletions it may not be impossible to delete a visitors entry without retaining some residual information, however this information will be functionally deleted, and we will not use or transfer information relating to that individual in any way moving forward. For further details on your rights please visit: https://gdprprivacypolicy.org

What happens if the privacy policy changes

We will let our visitors and authorised customers know about changes to our privacy policy by posting such changes on the website. However , if we are changing our privacy policy in a manner that might cause disclosure of personally identifiable information that visitor or authorised customer has previously requested not be disclosed, we will contact such visitor or authorised customer to prevent such disclosure.

What partners or service providers have access to personally identifiable information from visitors and/or authorised customers on the website?

We will disclose personally identifiable information in order to comply with a court order or summons or a request from the law enforcement agency to release information. We will also disclose personally identifiable information where reasonably necessary to protect the safety of our visitors and authorised customers.

External Links

The website may contain links to other sites. Please note that when you click on one of these links you are moving to another website. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of these linked sites as their privacy may differ from ours.

Cookie Policy and What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small file placed on your computer’s hard drive . It enables our website to identify your computer as you view different pages on our website. Cookies allow websites and applications to store your preferences in order to present content, options, or functions that are specific to you. They also enable us to see information such as how many people use the website and what pages they tend to visit.

Are cookies used on this website?

This website may use cookies- small text files that are placed on your machine to help websites provide a better user experience. We may use cookies to retain visitor preferences, store information for things like shopping cart, and provide annoyed tracking data to third party applications like Google analytics and reCAPTCHA. As a rule cookies will make your browsing experience better. By using this website you agree to allow it to set cookies on your computer. However you may prefer to disable cookies on this site and on others. The most effective way to do this is in your browser.

How we use cookies

Analyse our web traffic using analytics package. Aggregated usage data helps us improve the website structure, design content and functions

Identify whether you are signed in to our website. A cookie allows us to check whether you are signed into the site.

Test content on our website. For example 50% of our users might see one piece of the content and 50% a different piece of content.

Store information about your preferences. The website can present you with the information you will find more relevant and interesting.

To recognise when you return to our website. We may show you relevant content or provide the functionality you used previously. Cookies do not provide us with access to your computer or any information about you, other than which you choose to share with us.

Controlling Cookies

You can use your web browser cookie settings to determine how our website may use cookies. If you do not want our website to store cookies on your computer or device you need to set your browser to refuse cookies.

However please note doing this may affect how our website functions. Some pages and services may become unavailable to you.


If at any point you believe the information we process on you is incorrect you can request to see this information and even have it corrected or deleted. If you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled your personal data, you can contact us at the details below and we will investigate the matter. If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are processing your personal data not in accordance with the law you can complain to the Information Commissioners Office (ICO)